"Create Hope in the World"
Since 1919, FDL Noon Rotary has been committed to “Creating Hope”, both in our community and around the world. In our 105th year, our 102 members are guided by this theme. Each year we provide $60,000 to many local charities focused on children and our community. In addition, we contribute another $20,000 to Rotary International to support their global projects, such as eradicating polio.
Our weekly meetings provide an excellent opportunity for members to network with other community leaders from Fond du Lac’s business, government, academic, medical, and legal fields. Our meetings also include interesting speakers providing an update on local, state, or national issues. The meetings are short, fun, and designed to provide everyone time to enjoy lunch and have informal discussions with others.
Ron Riemersma
2023 - '24 President
Our contact information is:
Fond du Lac Rotary
PO Box 182
PO Box 182
Fond du Lac, WI. 54936-0182